Thursday, August 27, 2009

Kakak Meisha : A new life begins..

So anak dara mummy ni, yang mulanya tak suka dan hari-hari marah mummy sebab we decided to come back to Malaysia, sekarang ni sangat la suka duduk di Malaysia. Dia declare " Malaysia is better than London" and "APIIT Smart School is the best in the world" (ye le, daddy ko macam nak tersungkur bekerja siang malam nak bayar yuran kan) . Oh ya, Meisha is now 7 years old, and she goes to a private school in Subang, called APIIT Smart School or better known as Apiit je.. The reason why we chose this school in the first place is because 1) emphasis is more on character building, nurturing the student jadi all rounder and not too academic (dlm class tak ada sistem nombor yg official for students) 2) ada penekanan on the religion side, macam kelas fardhu ain, kelas mengaji, unlike other private schools yang lain 3) We don't believe in tuition and all, so learning should be fun, and the school ada Speech and Drama class, Swimming Class, Martial Arts Programme, IT Classes, Mandarin Classes in their syllabus, so tak de le boring asyik belajar the 5 subjects je.. Okay ni gambar Meisha dan sekolah dia..

Ni gambar kat canteen...first day of school..seronok giler dia

Gambar sekolah dia yang macam Headquarters Transformers and the gang..

Ni Meisha kat swimming pool sekolah dia.. Dulu mummy mandi kat tali air sawah je tau..bertuah sungguh anak-anak sekarang

Yang kelakar si Meisha ni is that her observations of Malaysian children's behaviour, do's and don't, likes and dislikes. Everytime dia balik sekolah, masuk kereta, mulut dia terus bercerita, macam machine-gun rosak.. tttrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr tak berhenti-henti.. Yang paling tak tahan bila dia cakap "Malaysian children are like monkeys, they are SOO naughty in class" or "I don't understand why they always say lah or one at the end of each sentence, like, where is my sharpener one?? I mean, what is that? Or say something like where got?" or "I have been hypnetised by the Principal's ginormous face" or "nobody wants to go to the library with me, everybody only wants to play je. What is so fun playing kejar-kejar all the time?".. Kelakar betul.. Time dia balik sekolah is the time yang Mummy tunggu-tunggu.. sebab tak sabar nak dengar cerita dia... Ada je yang dia nak comment..

Anyway, the most important thing is she is doing very well and happy at school. Scoring the highest in Bahasa Malaysia, Agama and mostly other subjects. Who would have taught, a girl born and raised in London could score 100% for BM and Agama subjects for 2 semesters straight?? Terbaru, she was the only want yang dapat 90+ for Maths paper in the whole of Primary 1 (she got 98%) - others semua 80%+ ke bawah.. Tabik spring betul mummy kat Meisha ni..


  1. salam mummy...haaii lama betul kita lost contact yer...tak tau mummy dah balik m'sia..dah setahun dah yer...ur 2nd baby pon dah yek dah dpt sepasang...
    eh meisha dah potong rambut yer kak...ehehe

  2. Salam wanie,

    Memang lama sungguh tak bercontact yer.. and dah setahun lebih mummy balik..sedar tak sedar, sekejap je... Anak-anak pun dah besar..alhamdullilah dapat sepasang.. tapi si boy ni naughty sungguh.. Si kakak potong rambut sebab "malaysia is too hot!" katanye :)

  3. Hi,
    can i email u personally, nak tnya pasal your daughter's school - APITT.
